Get Spanner2 Here
Spanner 2.0

Powerful, flexible, intuitive  by design.

Easy to Use
  • Simple drag and drop.
  • Intuitive keystrokes & text search.
  • Interactive visual environment.

Stunning Visuals
  • Impactful 3D.
  • Optional use of shape files.
  • Live & interactive 3D.

Powerful Interactive Reports
  • Flexible customisable analyses.
  • Edits to report data reflected in planograms.
  • Visually friendly.

Smart Interfaces
  • Product Library Interfaces.
  • Flexiable Sales Data Interfaces.
  • Get Data Quick, Export Changes Fast.

Edit Images
  • Edit Images Live in Spanner.
  • E-com images to Space Planning Images.
  • Quick & Easy.

Point of Sale
  • Add Creativity to the Fixture.
  • Add Images to Point of Sale, Bays, Fittings or Positions.
  • Demonstrate Your Category Vision.

Based on the success of Spanner 1, Spanner 2.0 is designed to have all the useful functions that customers of Spanner 1 love so much, plus a whole lot more.

Built on top of Windows 3D technology, Spanner 2.0 makes your planograms even more impactful.

Spanner - The Space Planner (Spanner 1) is a powerful, intuitive and affordable space planning application used by a wide variety of FMCG organisations.

....and now the development of space planning for the future is focussed on Spanner 2.0, creating a comprehensive, powerful, intuitive, flexiable tool.

And Spanner 2.0 will still remain affordable. So that it is in the reach of small and medium scale organisations as well as the big players.

Spanner by Cat Man Toolkit is produced by Productive Insights Ltd, a company registered in England & Wales, no. 12550741

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