As used by:

   Space Splanning   
   Made Easy   
   Intuitive &   
   Smarter by Design   
   Still Affordable   

With  Spanner 2.0  you will be using the latest most advanced space planning software.

  • Stunning Planograms.
      3D shapes and images together.  
      Impactful point of sale.  
      Easy to use interactive environment.  
  • Powerful Analytics
      Flexible highlights and reports.  
      Sophiticated sales data functions.  
      Even a full P&L!  
  • Functionally Smart
      Quick product library interaction with a smart interface.  
      Powerful & convenient image edit functions to make your product images look as great as they can.  
      Integrated range and space management.  
More info.

   Intuitive       Powerful       Affordable   

Spanner - The Space Planner is a functionally strong yet competitively priced Windows desktop space planning application.

  Drag/Drop/Keystoke.     Attractive images, & mimic 3D.  
  Flexible product hierarchies.     Highlighting.  
  Product Library Interface.     Sales Data Interface.  
  Units, Trays, Cases.     Analytics and Reporting.  
  & More     & More     & More  
See More...

Cat Man Toolkit is produced by Productive Insights Ltd, a company registered in England & Wales, no. 12550741

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